The Empowered vs. The Experts
(Google, 2018) Fresh off of a weekend-long training in Denver with AmeriCorps VISTA, NSAIE (National Society for American Indian Elderly) and dozens of other post-grad volunteers, I moved into my tiny Bangor apartment at about 90% nervous and 10% excited. Or the opposite? It was tough to tell, honestly. I had no clue what to expect from my new position on Indian Island in the Penobscot Nation Elder Services Department, but I had a ton of ideas I'd compiled to assist them in building capacity while effectively engaging the elder population on the reservation (utilizing a Community-Building model), and all the enthusiasm in the world to do it. None of it actually turned out like I had planned, but I like to think that's for the best. Burkhard's (2014) chapter about community organizing has, unsurprisingly, brought to mind my one personal experience with community-based practice to date. It was a chaotic year, to say the ...